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Transform your reverse logistics into a revenue engine with G2RL’s expert knowledge. Learn how our AI-driven technology solves returns challenges autonomously, unlocks profitability and redefines how the world thinks about returns.
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Reverse Logistics
Navigating the Complexities of Electronics Returns Management
Are you curious about best practices for electronics returns management? Read this article for everything you need to know.
In 2020, the consumer electronics market size was estimated to be over $1 trillion with a projected growth of 8% annually!
Returns Technology
Can Reverse Logistics software save your company money?
The growth of e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic saw online returns double in 2020, increasing the importance of a solid returns management program that serves both you and your customers.
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Reverse Logistics
What is Reverse Logistics? A Comprehensive Introduction
If you are a retail or an eCommerce business, reverse logistics might be one of the business terms that you dread the most. After all, reverse logistics seems like a nightmare that costs your company additional money, cuts into your profit, and results in a loss of value. But now, reverse logistics has become a …
Sustainable Reverse Logistics: How ESG Enables Reverse Logistics
Throughout the pandemic, online shopping became the new norm for almost all retailers. This includes the kinds of products that shoppers have generally preferred looking at in physical stores. Shoppers have been getting increasingly comfortable buying items they’ve never laid eyes on before. As a result, merchants are handling more product returns than ever. As …
Retail Returns
How to Maximize Your 3PL’s Recovery
Processing returns is time-consuming and costly for retailers. Deciding whether to restock, liquidate, donate, or discard a returned item drives up costs and can eat into sales numbers.
Returns Technology
How to Choose the Best Returns Management Software for Your Business?
With the right returns management software, you can not only automate the entire returns process but also save yourself from future business losses.
Retail Returns
Dealing with a surge in returns? Returns experts share 4 tips to help you succeed
Managing a surge in returns is an important aspect of your overall returns management strategy. Read 4 experts tips to help you handle peak season returns rush.
Retail Returns
The Ultimate Peak Season Returns Management Checklist 2021
To keep up with the busy holiday season and the even busier post-holiday returns season, we have developed a comprehensive checklist for you. With this checklist, you will be able to stay on top of your returns management process!
Retail Returns
How to Prepare for Post-Holiday Returns: 5 Tips to Optimize Reverse Logistics
The holiday season is almost here. Online shopping has increased dramatically in recent years, particularly during the ongoing worldwide pandemic. Retailers will see another surge in post-holiday returns, because many people received gifts they did not want or need.
Reverse Logistics
Returns Management: 4 Risks of Outsourcing Reverse Supply Chain and How You Can Protect Yourself
The risks of outsourcing reverse logistics may seem worrying, but the benefits far outweigh them and there are many ways to protect yourself from those risks.
Reverse Logistics
Reverse Logistics Episode Release
Herb Shear, Executive Chairman at G2RL, was one of the early pioneers of reverse logistics in response to a customer’s request for help.
The solution quickly caught on and laid the groundwork for what has become a highly sophisticated and fast-growing part of supply chain management!
Reimagine reverse logistics.
Take the first step to smarter, more profitable returns. Talk to an expert today.